Internship - Secrets & PII Obfuscation


For the second project of my internship, my goal was to create a Lambda function that detects secrets and PII (Personal Identifiable Information) in a given string of text to avoid leaks to an external API. After a potential secret or PII is detected, it is replaced with a placeholder to hide the original value.

The company wanted to create a chatbot in Slack that works with OpenAIs API. In order to prevent leaks of sensitive information to the API, I designed this Lambda function to be used as a middleware for the chatbot.

To create the function, I used AWS SAM to easily deploy and make changes to the project. It runs Python code and I wrote my own class to filter PII.

View the full documentation here

Key techologies:

Applied skills:

  • Working autonomous
  • Learning new technologies
  • Communication in English